About & Contact

Laura Nicole Diamond is the author of the bestselling novel SHELTER US (winner of the 2016 National Indie Excellence Award for Literary Fiction), DANCE WITH ME: a love letter, and editor of DELIVER ME: True Confessions of Motherhood, a collection of stories by 20 writers, whose proceeds benefit non-profits that help homeless families.

Laura Nicole Diamond headshot 2015-4-25

I didn’t start as a writer (though I was always a journal keeper). My first career was raising a ruckus as a civil rights lawyer. Then I had my two sons, and the real ruckus began.

Motherhood jump-started my muse, and writing became my professional focus. But I am an advocate at heart, so after a hiatus from law I returned to practicing asylum law, which informs my writing.

My books deal with topics that motivate (and often confound) me: motherhood, homelessness, immigrant youth, and how we imperfect humans respond to the ethical call to make the world a better place.

I am always delighted to be invited to speak with book groups, author panels, and especially to support charitable groups. Inquiries may be directed to Liza Fleissig of the Liza Royce Agency, or through the form below.

5 thoughts on “About & Contact

  1. I love your blog. It’s a nice way to follow your adventures and Emmett’s too! So glad you liked the bracelet and Mom’s Day booklet! I loved how they were featured on your blog!

  2. It’s only taken me three years to figure out how to get your blogs, and maybe I haven’t yet.

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